The Messenger: 10-27-2021
GIVING UPDATE from 10/24/21 Special Gifts given in memory of: Mr. Ronnie Edwards by Mrs. Winky Knight, Mr. Kent Lovvorn, and Mr. and Mrs. Theron Jennings. Mr. Charles Todd by Mrs. Ann Anderson Mr. Wayne Mosely by Ms. Nancy Disinger ANNOUNCEMENTS A LOOK AHEAD Wednesday Night Supper5p | Fellowship Hall | $10 per personKids 10 […]
The Messenger: 10-20-2021
GIVING UPDATE from 10/17/21 Special Gifts given in memory of Mr. Ronnie Edwards by: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clark, Ms. Mitzi Wasdin, and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Entrekin. ANNOUNCEMENTS Pastor Search Committee Update The Pastor Search Committee has dedicated much time, energy and prayer to bringing a new pastor before the church to call. The […]
The Messenger: 10-13-2021
GIVING UPDATE from 10/10/21 Special Gifts given in memory of Mr. Lewis Spruill by Mrs. Helen Spruill, and Mr. Wayne Mosely and Mrs. Susan Mabry by Mrs. Melba Adams. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Quarterly Church Business Conference will be this Sunday, October 17 after the 11AM Worship Service. Please review the 2022 budget proposal here in preparation […]
The Messenger: 10-5-2021
GIVING UPDATE from 10/3/21 ANNOUNCEMENTS Our Sanctuary Choir has begun work on Christmas music. It’s a great time to join or rejoin choir! If you cannot commit to full rehearsals and want to do Christmas music only, we will do that early in the rehearsal, so you can slip out after that segment. Hope to […]
The Messenger: 9-28-2021
GIVING UPDATE from 9/26/21 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Pastor Search Committee has been working very hard to narrow down the list of fantastic candidates. They are currently conducting second interviews. By the end of next week, they will have narrowed the list down to one candidate. A date will be set for that person to preach at First […]
The Messenger: 9-21-2021
GIVING UPDATE from 9/19/21 ANNOUNCEMENTS Our Sanctuary Choir has begun work on Christmas music. It’s a great time to join or rejoin choir! If you cannot commit to full rehearsals and want to do Christmas music only, we will do that early in the rehearsal, so you can slip out after that segment. Hope to […]
The Messenger: 9-14-2021
GIVING UPDATE from 9/12/21 Special Gifts In memory of Mr. Wayne Mosely by Ms. Donnie Hamm. In memory of Mrs. Joan Collins by Ms. Ann Anderson. ANNOUNCEMENTS This Wednesday night, September 15, our Sanctuary begins work on Christmas music. It’s a great time to join or rejoin choir! If you cannot commit to full rehearsals and want to […]
The Messenger: 9-8-2021
GIVING UPDATE from 9/5/21 ANNOUNCEMENTS Endowment Trust Selection Committee MeetingSeptember 8 | 7p | The Place The Endowment Trust Selection Committee is made up of the chairs of all standing committees as well as church leadership and three members at large with financial backgrounds. The purpose of this committee is to evaluate the best financial vehicle […]
The Messenger: 9-1-2021
GIVING UPDATE 8/22 & 8/29 Special Gifts In memory of Mr. Wayne Mosely by Mrs. Betty Sue Smith, Dr. & Mrs. Steve McCutcheon, Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Evans, Mr. & Mrs. Byron Hunt, and Marla Dugan In honor of Mr. Eddie Cole by the Cole Family Foundation In honor of Deacon Sunday by the Mr. […]
The Messenger: 8-18-2021
GIVING UPDATE 8/15/2021 Special Gifts In memory of Mr. Wayne Mosely by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Culpepper, Mr. & Mrs. William Kennedy, Mrs. Pam Greer, & Dr. Paul Walls ANNOUNCEMENTS We are grateful for the contributions of our former Office Administrator, Dawn Liverman, and wish her nothing but the best as she explores other opportunities. […]