CBF Global Missions Month
February 1 - 28
February is Global Missions Month for CBF. Our church’s goal is to raise $8,000 which goes to support missionaries throughout the world. To learn more about the Global Mission Offering click the “Learn More” button below, but be sure to click the “Give Now” button to donate through First Baptist Church so we can count it towards our overall goal! You can do so through FBC’s Venmo. Simply put CBF Global Missions in the memo line!

All Nature Sings Hymn Festival
March 2nd
/ 11:00 AM
Join us in worship as our Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra share a hymn festival entitled “All Nature Sings”. We will explore the theme of Creation and worshipping the Holy Creator through special musical expressions.

Youth Mission Madness
March 14-16
Sign up and details to come!

Carrollton Choral Festival
March 13th
/ 7:30 PM
The 3rd Annual Carrollton Choral Festival will be held at FBC in partnership with UWG and other local churches. The festival choir will be presenting Robert Ray’s modern work, “Gospel Mass”.

Organ Renovation
Help support our new organ! You can support this project online ( or contact Tyler Ingram ([email protected]) or Greg Hendrix ([email protected]) for more information.