Youth Sunday Nights

August - May
Dinner: 6:00pm | Worship & Games: 6:30 - 7:30pm

Food, Faith, and Family


/ 5:00 - 7:00pm

CBF Global Missions Month

February 1 - 28

February is Global Missions Month for CBF. Our church’s goal is to raise $8,000 which goes to support missionaries throughout the world.  To learn more about the Global Mission Offering click the “Learn More” button below, but be sure to click the “Give Now” button to donate through First Baptist Church so we can count it towards our overall goal!  You can do so through FBC’s Venmo. Simply put CBF Global Missions in the memo line!

All Nature Sings Hymn Festival

March 2nd

/ 11:00 AM

Join us in worship as our Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra share a hymn festival entitled “All Nature Sings”. We will explore the theme of Creation and worshipping the Holy Creator through special musical expressions.

Youth Mission Madness

March 14-16

Sign up and details to come!

Carrollton Choral Festival

March 13th

/ 7:30 PM

The 3rd Annual Carrollton Choral Festival will be held at FBC in partnership with UWG and other local churches. The festival choir will be presenting Robert Ray’s modern work, “Gospel Mass”.

Organ Renovation

Help support our new organ! You can support this project online ( or contact Tyler Ingram ([email protected]) or Greg Hendrix ([email protected]) for more information.

About The Artist

Giles Blankenship has served as the Minister of Worship at Snyder Memorial Baptist Church in Fayetteville, NC since 2005. Along with a worship team, he leads the 8:40am worship service filled with fresh sounds of familiar hymns, modern worship songs, and original songs by himself and other local worship leaders. Giles has published 3 cds (Home, The Day is Dawning, and Planted Here) and other singles, which can be found on Apple Music and Spotify. Giles also won the We Are Worship songwriting contest in 2013 with his original song “You Are There.”

Giles’ musical accomplishments are not where his skills stop, however. His genuine presence and worshipful attitude create holy experiences in worship and relationships with all people, and he has a deep desire to connect people with God through music and worship. Giles is married to Kelly and they have 2 college-aged children Davis & Sophie.

About The Artists

“Ten ‘till Swing” is a jazz band based in Carrollton, GA that performs in various contexts and venues around Carroll County and West Georgia. Originally starting with ten members (hence the name), this group continues to grow and expand their musical footprint across the community. We are thrilled to be partnering together with this wonderful group of musicians.

About The Artists

A Carrollton native, Greg Hendrix started studying organ when he was 18 with Patty Pritchard, and then continued his studies under Dr. Jeanine Skinner. Greg has held organist positions at several churches and started as the organist at FBC in November of 2023. Greg is also the owner of Mountain Oak Florist & Design here in Carrollton.

Justin Tarver received a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance with an emphasis in pedagogy and a Bachelor of Music Composition from University of West Georgia (2018), and returned to UWG and received a Master of Music in Piano Performance (2021). He now instructs the keyboard classes and also plays for both the opera and theatre department at UWG. When not playing music during rehearsal and worship, he is partaking in many musical events across the community and plays for an array of local high school and middle school choral programs.

Matthew McNeill served as the Interim Accompanist in 2023 and now resides in Dallas, TX.

Dr. David Hughes

Senior Pastor

Dr. David Hughes accepted the call to the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Carrollton in January 2022. David’s formation is in thanks to many fine schools, employers, churches, and his family. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish at Furman University (2005), a Master of Divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary (2018) and a Doctor of Ministry at McAfee School of Theology in Church Leadership and Administration (2023). Before accepting the call to ministry in 2011, David worked for six years for non-profits in Greenville, South Carolina and Patagonia, Chile. Previously, he served as the minister to students at First Baptist Church of Augusta (2018 – 2021) and Easley First Baptist Church (2011 – 2018). Married to Rebecca in 2006, David’s amazing wife is a constant source of love, encouragement, and partnership in the ministry. The two of them welcomed their daughter Maggie in 2012 and now watch with amazement as their precious daughter continues to grow and develop. David believes firmly that The Church is a place of invitation for all where lives can be transformed by The Gospel of Jesus Christ. His passion is to create vision and lead God’s people to express the love of Christ in the world.