Our congregational convictions come from historic Baptist theology. We readily affirm The Lordship of Jesus Christ.  We also believe the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.  In addition to these primary beliefs, we affirm other long-standing Baptist principles such as:

  • a symbolic view of two ordinances: baptism and the Lord’s Supper
  • the freedom and competency of the soul
  • congregational government
  • religious liberty and its corollary, the separation of church and state

Although many Baptist churches have a more formal doctrinal statement, our lack of one is consistent with a long line of Baptists who ascribe to the conviction, “No creed, but the Bible.”

We articulate our core beliefs in our church covenant, which we use in worship several times each year as a way of reminding ourselves of the important convictions that bind us together.

Our polity of congregational government allows us to make decisions such as fully affirming women in ministry and any other service role. For years, we have ordained women as ministers and deacons. We also practice open communion, meaning members of other Christian traditions are free to participate in communion, if they choose. 


We believe that God’s love is demonstrated through Christ and that His love should be the foundation for all relationships. Through His love, First Baptist Church believes in a vision of a fellowship that accepts all those who confess Jesus as Savior and Lord, and a commitment to love God and all people.

With God’s help, we now enter into this covenant:

  • We commit to live under the authority of Jesus Christ and to the open worship of God with dedication and devotion, respecting the call of God for both male and female into any lay or professional ministry of the church.
  • We commit to serious study of the Bible, the inspired word of God, with the guidance of responsible scholarship and teachers under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
  • We commit to regular giving of money, time and abilities, and to the faithful care and creative use of our land and buildings.
  • We commit to practice religious liberty by respecting the rights of the individual Christian, by affirming the autonomy of the local church, by upholding the separation of church and state, and by respecting the freedom of all people in matters of conscience.
  • We commit to ministry and prayer for each other, participating in each other’s joys and sharing each other’s burdens.
  • We commit to evangelism and missions, and to make known through word and deed the love of God and the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
  • We commit to the example of Jesus Christ, working for justice and peace.
  • We commit to voluntary cooperation with other churches in the body of Christ.
  • We commit to the free and open exchange of ideas concerning the governance of the church.

    Believing that God sustains this covenant relationship and relying on the power of God’s love and grace, we joyfully pledge to uphold this covenant. We are the people called First Baptist Church: “Caring People Sharing God’s Love.”

Dr. David Hughes

Senior Pastor

Dr. David Hughes accepted the call to the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Carrollton in January 2022. David’s formation is in thanks to many fine schools, employers, churches, and his family. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish at Furman University (2005), a Master of Divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary (2018) and a Doctor of Ministry at McAfee School of Theology in Church Leadership and Administration (2023). Before accepting the call to ministry in 2011, David worked for six years for non-profits in Greenville, South Carolina and Patagonia, Chile. Previously, he served as the minister to students at First Baptist Church of Augusta (2018 – 2021) and Easley First Baptist Church (2011 – 2018). Married to Rebecca in 2006, David’s amazing wife is a constant source of love, encouragement, and partnership in the ministry. The two of them welcomed their daughter Maggie in 2012 and now watch with amazement as their precious daughter continues to grow and develop. David believes firmly that The Church is a place of invitation for all where lives can be transformed by The Gospel of Jesus Christ. His passion is to create vision and lead God’s people to express the love of Christ in the world.