Pastor Search Update

The Pastor Search Committee completed the Church Profile, and submitted it to Pastor Snider/Center for Healthy Churches to help recruit potential candidates. This week, the PSC will be meeting to review the step-by-step interview process, as we will be receiving a list of potential candidates soon. This is a crucial time, and we earnestly ask for your continued prayers.

sunday school in july
This month our nursery, children, and youth are taking a Sunday School Summer Break. Two adult classes will be meeting: Generations and Women of Faith. Read more about these classes here. Visitors are welcome!


Special Gifts

In memory of Mrs. Louise Shackleford and Mr. Charles Todd by Dr. & Mrs. Steve McCutcheon
In memory of Mrs. Louise Shackleford by Mrs. Shirley Entrekin


Special Gifts

In memory of Mr. Ray Fulford by Mr. & Mrs. Steve Moore.
In memory of Mr. Bobby Harwell by Mrs. Lounell Harwell.
In memory of Mrs. Amberly Gordon by Mrs. Winky Knight.
In memory of Mr. Bruce Brewer by Ann Anderson.


Deacon Candidates

The following members are nominated to serve in the role of Deacon for the term starting September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2024.
Patti Brown-Traylor, Eddie Cole, Patrick Erben, Cole Fannin, Tim Martin, Coby Smith, Suzanne Wynn
The church will vote on these candidates at the Quarterly Church Business Conference on August 18, 2021.

BBT Logo

Sale of the BB&T Property

First Baptist Church closed on the sale of the BB&T property to Ra-Lin on July 2, 2021. More information concerning the proceeds of the sale will be forthcoming.


Our heartfelt sympathies go to Diane Brittain and family on the loss of her cousin, Emily Dantzler.

Load the Truck to benefit the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home

Items Needed: Peanut butter, Jelly (grape is a favorite), Pop Tarts, Alfredo Sauces, Instant Oatmeal, Individual Snack Crackers, Individual Fruit Drinks, Garbage Bags (13 gallon & larger), and gift cards are always needed (to Walmart, Kroger, Target, etc).

Donations due July 18th.

Help Wanted

The 11:00a Usher team is looking for new volunteers! Responsibilities include: greeting members and visitors as they enter for worship, handing out bulletins, helping people find a seat, opening and closing the sanctuary doors before and after worship, and picking up the sanctuary after worship. If you are interested, please contact Charlie Almon at [email protected].


Christmas in July
July 14th | 5:30p |The Place Upstairs

Youth Water War and Ice Cream
July 15th | 1:00p | The Place

Fine Arts: Beginner Woodworking
July 20 | 6:30pm
189 Hawthorn Drive, Carrollton

This free class is limited to 10 people (18 and over).  Please contact the church office to sign up: [email protected] or 770-832-6359

We will cover basic tools and operations with a limited amount of practical experience. No woodworking experience needed, but “some” could be helpful. Please wear old clothes and bring eye and ear protection as well as a dust mask.

For more info, contact Lewis Baumstark at 423-366-2806.

Annual Village Youth Summit
Volunteers Needed!

July 24, 2021

7:30a – 10:30a
Meet at the Fellowship Hall to cook hot dogs, pack 400 sack lunches, and deliver to Carrollton Upper Elementary School

10:30a – 1:00p
Meet at Carrollton Upper Elementary School to hand out sack lunches.

Call the office to sign up.


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Dr. David Hughes

Senior Pastor

Dr. David Hughes accepted the call to the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Carrollton in January 2022. David’s formation is in thanks to many fine schools, employers, churches, and his family. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish at Furman University (2005), a Master of Divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary (2018) and a Doctor of Ministry at McAfee School of Theology in Church Leadership and Administration (2023). Before accepting the call to ministry in 2011, David worked for six years for non-profits in Greenville, South Carolina and Patagonia, Chile. Previously, he served as the minister to students at First Baptist Church of Augusta (2018 – 2021) and Easley First Baptist Church (2011 – 2018). Married to Rebecca in 2006, David’s amazing wife is a constant source of love, encouragement, and partnership in the ministry. The two of them welcomed their daughter Maggie in 2012 and now watch with amazement as their precious daughter continues to grow and develop. David believes firmly that The Church is a place of invitation for all where lives can be transformed by The Gospel of Jesus Christ. His passion is to create vision and lead God’s people to express the love of Christ in the world.