Dear Church:
First and foremost, on behalf of my family and me, thank you for an amazing call weekend experience! Your genuine expressions of Christ like love and hospitality further affirmed God’s calling on me as your next senior pastor and you all as our next church family. Rebecca, Maggie, and I were blessed by all of you! You truly are “Caring People, Sharing God’s Love.”
Now as First Baptist Church Carrollton turns its eyes towards the next chapter of pastoral leadership, I want to say how excited I am for the amazing things that await us in the upcoming life of our church. I am already working hand in hand with our wonderful ministerial team and church leadership as we seek to lead our church and greater community towards a deeper understanding of God’s love. Each of our key ministry areas are to be places of excitement, renewal, and growth for every age group within our church. Sunday morning experiences in worship will be energetic with engaging preaching and inspirational music which speak to the joy of the resurrection life we have in Christ Jesus! Our call to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our city, state, nation, and world will be met with the utmost dedication! Lastly, (and this final part I cannot stress enough) I cannot wait to get to know each of you and your families further! My greatest joy as your senior pastor will always be sharing life with you whether that’s enjoying a meal, playing sports, going fishing, watching a ballgame, or learning something new! This isn’t something that has to wait until later either. Shoot me an email at [email protected], and let’s get the conversation started today!
Lastly, I want to ask each of you to be in prayerful support for my family’s upcoming transition from one city to another. We will be saying goodbye to many beloved friends, youth, students, coworkers, and family in Augusta. We will be doing this all while trying to sell a home, move, find a new place to live in Carrollton, and celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas! It will be a lot, so bear with us as we slowly but surely make strides to move life and ministry to you, our new home and church family. Likewise, we will be praying for each of you, asking God to speak to your hearts and minds during the upcoming Advent season! We cannot wait for our first official Sunday with you on January 9th! Until then, continue to be faithful to God and to one another.
With Love and Excitement,
David, Rebecca, and Maggie Hughes
GIVING UPDATE from 11/14/21
Special Gifts given in memory of:
Mr. Ronnie Edwards by Ann Anderson, Sandra Brown, and Celeta Cavender,
and Tori Poe (Shelley Martin’s sister) by Sandra Brown.
Our Open Hands Ministry has seen an increase of families being served recently and are requesting FBC members drop off plastic grocery bags, preferably doubled, to Open Hands to bag the groceries they distribute.
Souper Sunday
The “Seekers” Sunday School Class will have a “Souper Sunday” fellowship at Diane and Randy Brittain’s house (404 Shady Valley Dr., Carrollton) on Sunday, Nov. 21st at 5:00. Please call Diane Brittain for details (770-500-9854).
Office Closed for Thanksgiving
November 25-26
Hanging of the Green Service
Sunday, November 28 at 11am
CAM3 Kids will sing during this service. They should wear white tops and black pants.
10a – Sunday School for All Ages
11a – Worship
7a – Prayer Breakfast
12p – Youth Lunch: Contact Christopher Simonton for more details.
No Wednesday Night Activities on November 24th.