It’s time to reawaken the Bible stories that mama taught ya. In this series, we will look at stories throughout scripture that we might not have thought about since childhood. They won’t look exactly like what mama taught ya, but it will be what God desires for you to understand now in whatever stage of life you are in!



Dr. David Hughes
“Catching Fire”
Exodus 3 – Moses and The Burning Bush
As the saying goes, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen” but Moses decided he wanted “all the smoke.” Why should you embrace God’s holy fire?



Dr. David Hughes
“Miracle Doesn’t Mean Magic”
Matthew 14:13-21 – Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand
Miracle doesn’t mean magic. The miracle of the loaves and fishes is meant to be repeated daily by you and me.



Guest Preacher: Dr. Matt Duvall
Director of Development for McAfee School of Theology



Dr. David Hughes
“Bringing a Rock To a Sword Fight”
1 Samuel 17 – David and Goliath



Dr. David Hughes
“Jailhouse Rock”
Acts 16:16-40 – Paul and Silas
With God, chains and shackles are always meant to be broken and prisoners set free. Learn how two cellmates found the key to their freedom.



Special Worship Time

Dr. David Hughes

“Take a Lap”

Joshua 6 – Joshua and The Walls of Jericho

Every good coach knows the benefit of asking a player to take a lap, and it has nothing to do with improving physical performance.  God asks Israel to take seven.  Here’s why…



Guest Preacher: Rev. Jan Witsel
Associate Pastor of Antwerp International Protestant Church



Dr. David Hughes
“Solitary Refinement”
Jonah 1:17-2:10 – Jonah and The Whale
God’s people need constant refinement. God does this in places of solitude with the promise that you will leave an even more powerful instrument of His good news.



Dr. David Hughes
“Shut Yo Mouth”
Daniel 6 – Daniel and The Lion’s Den
How do you defend yourself? The answer might surprise you. You don’t! Daniel shows us how.



Dr. David Hughes
“Samson & The Devil’s Barbershop”
Judges 16 – Samson
A scalp massage really cost Israel’s hero. Learn how to avoid the devil’s barber shop all together by letting your holiness flow without apology.



Dr. David Hughes
“Boat Float”
Genesis 7 – Noah’s Ark
When life direction pauses, we get frustrated. Noah surely did, but “I’m not going anywhere” is very different from “Nothing is happening.” God ensures that the spiritual journey is full steam ahead even when your vehicle is at a full stop.

Dr. David Hughes

Senior Pastor

Dr. David Hughes accepted the call to the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Carrollton in January 2022. David’s formation is in thanks to many fine schools, employers, churches, and his family. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish at Furman University (2005), a Master of Divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary (2018) and a Doctor of Ministry at McAfee School of Theology in Church Leadership and Administration (2023). Before accepting the call to ministry in 2011, David worked for six years for non-profits in Greenville, South Carolina and Patagonia, Chile. Previously, he served as the minister to students at First Baptist Church of Augusta (2018 – 2021) and Easley First Baptist Church (2011 – 2018). Married to Rebecca in 2006, David’s amazing wife is a constant source of love, encouragement, and partnership in the ministry. The two of them welcomed their daughter Maggie in 2012 and now watch with amazement as their precious daughter continues to grow and develop. David believes firmly that The Church is a place of invitation for all where lives can be transformed by The Gospel of Jesus Christ. His passion is to create vision and lead God’s people to express the love of Christ in the world.