12 Steps To Get Real

Let’s Journey With God together



Sermon Title: “Step 1: Powerlessness”

Scripture: Romans 7:15-25

God makes sure that several things come your way that you cannot manage.



Sermon Title: “Step 3: Sweet Surrender”

Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-13

Surrender is not giving up, as we tend to think, nearly as it is a giving to the moment, the event, the
person, and the situation.



Sermon Title: “Step 5: Accountability is Sustainability”

Scripture: James 5:13-20

Guest Speaker: Dr. Joel Snider

We cannot heal what we do not acknowledge, and what we consciously acknowledge will remain in control of us from within.



Sermon Title: “Step 7: Asking for God’s Help”

Scripture: Psalm 51:1-19

Guest Speaker: Dr. Matt Duvall

We ask not to change God, but to change ourselves. We pray to form a living relationship, not to get things done.



Sermon Title: “Step 9: Making Amends”

Scripture: Luke 15:17-24

We need to pray and discern about what the other needs to hear and also has the right to hear.



Palm Sunday

Sermon Title: “Step 11: An Alternative Mind”

Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11; Ephesians 4:20-25



Easter Sunday

Sermon Title: “This New Life”

Scripture: Luke 24:1-12

Let us now embrace this new life before us!

***Steps 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 will be covered on Wednesday nights (March 12 – April 16) during Adult Bible Study at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. ***

Dr. David Hughes

Senior Pastor

Dr. David Hughes accepted the call to the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Carrollton in January 2022. David’s formation is in thanks to many fine schools, employers, churches, and his family. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish at Furman University (2005), a Master of Divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary (2018) and a Doctor of Ministry at McAfee School of Theology in Church Leadership and Administration (2023). Before accepting the call to ministry in 2011, David worked for six years for non-profits in Greenville, South Carolina and Patagonia, Chile. Previously, he served as the minister to students at First Baptist Church of Augusta (2018 – 2021) and Easley First Baptist Church (2011 – 2018). Married to Rebecca in 2006, David’s amazing wife is a constant source of love, encouragement, and partnership in the ministry. The two of them welcomed their daughter Maggie in 2012 and now watch with amazement as their precious daughter continues to grow and develop. David believes firmly that The Church is a place of invitation for all where lives can be transformed by The Gospel of Jesus Christ. His passion is to create vision and lead God’s people to express the love of Christ in the world.