What an exciting week we’ve had thus far in the life of First Baptist Church Carrollton. Vacation Bible School has been in full force. Hearing the excited voices of precious children gathered to learn about Jesus has been a source of joy for me each and every day. I am beyond grateful for the point leadership of Rev. Jennifer Jindrich and her host of adult and youth leaders. Their efforts have made this week possible and is a true reflection of Christ’s love to others. Well done and praise be to God!
I also want to highlight the exciting weekend in store for our church family. As I hope all of you know, Rev. Tyler Ingram and his wife Ashley will be with us for Tyler’s weekend visit in light of a call as our candidate for Associate Pastor of Music and Worship. Highlights of Tyler and Ashley’s weekend will include:
Leading a special called choir rehearsal on Saturday morning.
Meeting members of our music ministry community, church staff, and deacons at a Saturday luncheon.
Briefly stopping in and saying hello to our Sunday School classes on Sunday morning.
Leading of our Sunday morning worship service with testimony, special music, and directing our choir and hymns.
At the conclusion of Sunday’s worship, we will have a church conference where among other important items, we will have a vote to confirm Rev. Tyler Ingram as our next Associate Pastor of Music and Worship at First Baptist Church Carrollton.
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of being present Sunday morning and staying for our church conference. If at all possible, please do not miss! However, if you cannot be present on Sunday, don’t forget that you have until this Friday at 1:00 p.m. to fill out an absentee ballot in our church office regarding Rev. Ingram.
Friends, we have so much to be thankful for in this amazing family of faith we call home. I am so unbelievably grateful to be a part of it as your senior pastor. The future for our church is so incredibly bright, and I cannot wait to see where God leads us! The best is yet to come!
First Baptist Church Carrollton, All rights reserved.
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