June 29, 2022
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Cost and Worth

Inflation has been the talk in many circles as of late.  Like you, I have felt its effects.  Whether buying gas, food, or clothes, we are all paying more.  Costs have soared and yet the consumer item in question means the same thing to us.  Gas doesn’t last longer.  Food doesn’t taste better. Clothes still consist of shoes, a shirt, and pants.  The cost climbs, but their worth is the same.

Cost and worth are two very unique and often times divergent concepts.  The monetary cost can be high, but the item in question is worth little because it does nothing in terms of adding value to our life.  Conversely, the cost of something might be nothing, but it is of great worth.  Just think of an everyday occurrence in sunshine.  What’s it cost us?  Nothing.  What’s it worth? It’s inestimable, for we couldn’t live without it. 

There are certainly instances in which both cost and worth are high.  How much does God’s forgiveness cost?  It cost Jesus His very own life which He laid down at the cross!  How much is that forgiveness worth?  Romans 5:8 shines light on that saying, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.”  It’s worth the gift of eternal life for any and all who believe!  I can’t thank God enough for that, but the gift of God is worth far more to stop there.  The gift also shows us a better way to live.

Jesus showed acts that come at a high cost to self, will produce lives of incredible worth.  You will know your worth.  God loves you!  You will show others their worth.  In serving them, they will know God loves them!   To know and express such a depth of worth validates any sacrifice that is necessary…no matter the cost. 

I can’t give you any insight into what prices will do.  Maybe they continue to rise.  I hope not, but ultimately, I’m not worried.  Cost and worth in God’s kingdom aren’t subject to inflation.  They are and forever will be under His control.  As the summer breeze continues to blow, He invites you to come and learn about both from His perspective.   To that end, I’ll leave you with this poem.


It is no what the world gives me
In honor, praise or gold;
It is what I do give the world,
So others do unfold.
If by my work through life I can
Another soul unfold,
Then I have done what cannot be
Made good, by praise or gold.
One tiny thought in tiny word
May give a great one birth,
And, if that thought was caused by me,
I lived a life of worth.
Richard F. Wolfe

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